Thursday, April 5, 2012

Don't shoot the Hoodie!

Here’s the thing about the Trayvon Martin murder case, the police, Sanford City and the judicial system are the problem, George (That) Zimmerman, the “red herring”. And rather than nip this outrageous action of murder in the bud, the powers that be, those who are suppose to protect and serve the people, respond as if “swift action” is not warranted. Zimmerman is no different than a gang member who kills a stranger for being in their hood.  The neighbor ‘hood’ he “protected” was the gated community of Sanford, FLA.

The legal idea of “Law and Order” is not working.  One man can commit the same type of murder and slide, while another man pays for the crime.  Police officers and detectives are supposed to catch the criminal, investigate and collect evidence, so why are they allowed to be so bad at their jobs?  Next we have the Judicial System that is so fractured; some states are able to hide behind recklessly created state laws without a ‘checks and balance’ intervention.

Well if this is the sign of things to come, then, perhaps “we the people” should be researching NRA membership(s) to exercise OUR constitutional right to “…Bear Arms…”  If we are now relapsing to a ‘shoot em up’ society, then everyone gets a gun.   Why? Because if self-preservation is an equitable defense, then maybe the next time embers are a-glowing, (That Zimmerman-type) will be motivated to use a little water rather than douse self with gasoline and light a match..

When you hear the collective voices of people on any issue then it’s time to address it, anything less is disrespectful to the idea of a civil society.